Latino Counseling Center, Inc. offers Psychiatric Services to individuals with mental health concerns in Massachusetts and nearby areas. Our scope of service includes Individual Counseling, Couple Counseling, and Group Counseling. To get started with your treatment plan, you may schedule a Psychological Evaluation with our counselors at Latino Counseling Center, Inc.
Thinking about seeking the help of a therapist/counselor?
If there are certain issues that hinder you from doing your usual way of living or causing problems in your life, talking to a counselor may help. Having a one-on-one, couple, or group counseling at Latino Counseling Center, Inc. will greatly help in overcoming unhealthy mental, emotional, or behavioral patterns.
After your evaluation, our counselors will determine your maladaptive behaviors and create an intervention plan. You will then be scheduled for counseling sessions at our clinic. The duration of your sessions will depend on the diagnosis and result of the Psychological Evaluation.
Got Questions?
If you have other questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our staff. You may leave us a message here and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.